3 Reasons to Avoid a Short-Term Mission Trip


I peered loathingly down at my bulging suitcase. After finally getting my extra set of clothes, hairdryer, makeup, and nail care kit to fit in the nooks of my already-full suitcase, I now faced a predicament - just one more pair of shoes. I pounced on my big, red suitcase and managed to manhandle the pair of shoes into an empty pocket of space that miraculously developed after removing my box of Pop-Tarts.

After the zipper reluctantly enclosed the overflowing contents of my suitcase, I collapsed on my bed victoriously. In about three hours I would be leaving for a weeklong mission trip overseas. I asked myself one last time, “Why in the world am I going on this trip?” After all, there’s so many reasons for people to avoid it!


I was sacrificing my paid time off, finances, regular routine, and so much more for a whole week.

But, what about the book of Acts and the early church? Not only did they abandon their comforts, they surrendered them to people that needed them. Acts 4:32 says, “All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had”.


I wondered what benefits there would be to my going and if it would really benefit me.

However, I couldn't help but think that my intentions might be wrong. Was I going to make myself feel better or was I going to bring glory to God? Was I going to gain something or am I going so I can be found obedient to God? Even if my intentions were pure, they still lacked visual fruit from my efforts. I remembered Galatians 6:9, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up”. Press on!


Why should I go if I’m not called to missions full-time?

Aren’t we all called to be full-time missionaries? We may not live in an Asian hut or an Amazonian tree, but we do live in neighborhoods and areas where people are starving for hope. We have everything we need to be missionaries where we live and wherever we go. 1) we have Holy Scripture; 2) people in need of truth; 3) and the ability to interact with them. All that we need to add is an obedient heart.

I pray you come to see the truth of the great commission in going. CRBC will be posting a list of their 2017-2018 short-term trip opportunities any day now. If God leads you to join one, don't let reasons like these keep you from going!

When was the last time you considered going on a mission trip? What stopped you?

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Meet the Author!

Hannah Hanzel is an opinionated, passionate gal that loves sharing what God is doing in her often busy and complicated life. She strives to show God's glory in working as the Art Director for the Baptist Messenger, serving as a multi-client freelance graphic designer, and communing with CRBC. When she's not working, you can find her sipping coffee in a hammock, watching classic '40s movies, or going on an adventure with friends or family.


Hannah Hanzel

Hannah Hanzel is an opinionated, passionate gal that loves sharing what God is doing in her often busy and complicated life. She strives to show God's glory in working as the Art Director for the Baptist Messenger, serving as a multi-client freelance graphic designer, and communing with CRBC. When she's not working, you can find her sipping coffee in a hammock, watching classic '40s movies, or going on an adventure with friends or family.