Upholding Others and Serving God in the Everyday

Upholding Others and Serving God in the Everyday

I still remember sitting in the upper section of what was then called the Ford Center. It was June 2003. The concert was packed, people were smoking weed around me, and I had a great time. A few weeks later, I went back to the Ford Center for a Billy Graham Crusade and just happened to sit in the same section as the concert a few weeks back. I was in a very public arena, yet I could feel the tangible presence of God. I could not tell you any of the points to his sermon, however I vividly remember the stark difference of the two events because of the light that Billy Graham was sharing.

Serving the Church From Home

Serving the Church From Home

On my birthday in July, my sweet husband brought me coffee in bed. That had been one of my requests, to have coffee in bed and sit together for the morning. Not long after taking my first couple of sips, my husband left for work and one of our twins started crying. I grabbed my coffee and began the process of changing my son and getting him fed. Then, I repeated the process for my daughter. As I fed them, I thought, “This is what my birthday is going to look like from here on out.”

Called To Something New

Called To Something New

I like a predictable life. I like normal routines and schedules. It sets my mind at ease to know what is happening day in and day out. But what happens when God starts pressing in on your heart to step out in faith and do something new? Something unpredictable? Something you never would have imagined yourself doing in a million years? I can tell you from experience that it rocks your world, but it is such a blessing.

Women and Church

Women and Church

Women and Church. That particular string of words may conjure strong opinions. If not in yourself, definitely in others. If your opinion is determined in part by what is seen in media, culture, dax, it has likely been shaped by loud, perhaps even extreme, voices which may not always represent the majority.

Fervent: Book Club In Review

Fervent: Book Club In Review

This summer, our women’s ministry book club met and discussed the book Fervent by Priscilla Shirer. We love the reflection, community, comradery, accountability, and friendships that come from reading books together. As most book clubs come to a close on their study of Fervent, we want to look back on what we learned. Our blogs these past few weeks have gone with many of the chapters from Fervent. I am going to recap the prayer strategies we worked on and attach links to the blog posts that go with each strategy. If you haven’t taken the time to read these blogs yet- do it!

Your Pressures

Your Pressures

Reading and discussing the book, “Fervent” by Priscilla Shirer with our book club this summer has been eye-opening and encouraging. Each chapter identifies and unpacks a specific way the Enemy attempts to hinder our prayer life and, in turn, our relationship with the Lord. I have taken away specific actions from each chapter that will be life-changing for my prayer life.

Praying for Our Purity

Praying for Our Purity

I can distinctly remember the feeling of my cold bathroom floor in my old, Norman apartment. It was grimy, dusty, dirty, and captured perfectly how I felt inside and out. My knees were hugged tightly against my chest, rising, and falling with my shallow breath. Even before giving my life to My Lord, I knew just how far I had fallen before Him. My addiction to watching pornography had haunted me, consumed me, for nearly 12 years of my life. My lustful eyes wanted to capture any man set before me. Waiting for marriage had been catapulted out the window already. There was no amount of scrubbing in the tub I could have done to wash away the stain left on me from years of impurity, lust, and sin. Not even my tears could remotely smear away the murky mess of my life.

Confronting Your Worries

Confronting Your Worries

My 5 year old daughter was determined to master the monkey bars. She spent time every day on the playground trying to accomplish her goal. She would be at the first bar, reach for the second and become paralyzed. She was sure she was going to fall. She would cry for help and say she couldn’t do it, begging for someone to come get her down quickly. She was just sure it wasn’t going to end well. This went on every time we were at the playground. Her fear kept her from doing something I knew she could do.