My family is a mine of anecdotal wisdom and quippy responses. I have many favorite sayings from them over the years. There’s Grandma’s “Poop or get off the pot,” Grandpa’s “Crack your own whip,” and of course Nana’s “Emotions make a great caboose, but a terrible engine” line. There’s my dad’s “You’re grounded for life” bit and “Anyone want pie?” (a running tension breaking joke in our hard-headed Hanzel conversations).
National Cherry (Pie) Day
Christian Nationalism
America the Beautiful
Our country sure has some natural beauty! Exploring America not only gives us the opportunity to see God’s wonderful creation, but it also gives us the chance to learn more about our history, try lots of wonderful food, and enjoy time with those we love. My husband, Dave, is a photographer and we have had the best times in his truck, armed only with his camera and my Trip Advisor app. If you want to venture outside OKC for a long weekend, here’s an adventure I recommend…
A Review of the Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting
I attended my first Southern Baptist Convention as a “messenger” (a registered voting attendee) in 2015 when the annual meeting was held in Columbus, OH. There were 5,407 other messengers in attendance, and for this first timer it felt massive. Since 2015 I have been to nearly every convention, and they have all been larger than my Columbus experience.
The Theology of God as Father
A Mooreless SBC
As the Southern Baptist convention begins its annual meeting, a frequent fixture will be missing. She is the woman we’ve met through countless books, Bible Studies, and speaking engagements. The woman that I and every other gregarious, blonde, passionate Bible teacher from anywhere near Texas has been compared to, but who is truly incomparable: the one and only Beth Moore.