Were you at THE BIG REVEAL: Women’s Ministry Launch Thursday night? It was incredible!
Tabletops filled with donated Back to School Supplies, Taylor White’s gorgeous new logo and stage design, crazy cool artwork by Bethany Davidson, uniquely decorated tables, Makenzie Magnus sharing her heart and showing us how to live missional, the unveiling of our awesome new website, councilroadwomen.org, (designed by the innnnncredible Chelsea Metcalf), and wall-to-wall women everywhere!
I loved the purposeful discussion questions we chatted about while eating. Seriously, what’s lovelier than a group of women sharing both a meal and their hearts? I’m still giddy thinking about it all!
So, where do we go from here? How do we continue to connect with God and one another in ways that matter?
Welcome to councilroadwomen.org and to our blog, Everyday Faith and Conversations.
This entire website is filled with ways to help you connect. Look at the top of this page and check out the options, knowing we’ll continually be adding more. Along with well-done Events (Sunday Brunches, anyone?) and ongoing activities (like our Fall Bible Studies that start next week!), I hope you will regularly join us here on our blog, Everyday Faith and Conversations. You’ll find things like:
- Fresh encouragement and inspiration
- Articles and stories
- Podcasts and videos
- Interviews with women in our CRBC community
- Book Reviews
- Gorgeous graphics and Verse Images
- Helpful Hints
- Scoop on upcoming women’s events
- What’s happening around town
- And more we’ve just begun to dream about!
We’ll talk about things that will stretch our thinking and inspire our faith. We’ll laugh together over female-friendly subjects, while also tackling tough topics like depression, anxiety, infertility and miscarriage. We’ll meet women whose stories and words will immediately cause you to pick up your phone and invite them to lunch because you can’t wait to hear more.
“We’ll laugh together over female-friendly subjects, while also tackling tough topics like depression, anxiety, infertility and miscarriage. ”
Who will write, create, and share all this great content? YOU, the wonderful women of CRBC! Many of you took our Women’s Interest Survey (take it now, if you haven’t already!) and offered to share your gifts, abilities, and hard won lessons of life. We are excited to use this wide base of contributors that includes everything from therapists and medical professionals to millennials, working moms and witty women who make everything more fun. We are even more excited to hear your response to the contributions!
So . . . join the conversation!
- Subscribe at the bottom of our website (like right now!)
- Follow us on Facebook @CouncilRoadWomen.
- Follow us on Instagram @councilroadwomen.
- “Like” and “Share” both our page and our posts.
Exciting days are ahead and we’d love to hear your feedback! What topics do you want us to address? What worries keep you awake at night? Respond in the Comments section below and let’s start a conversation!
Meet the Author!
Bible teacher, author, inspirational speaker and disciple-maker, Vickey is passionate about helping women connect the dots between God’s Word and their everyday lives. She loves serving as Women’s Ministry Director at Council Road, celebrating her people, playing with her puppy and getting lost in a good story.