Delving into Diversity: The “How”

Delving into Diversity: The “How”

In my last blog I talked about what diversity is. I asked, “What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘diversity’?”, suggesting anything from gender equality to ethnic diversification. We looked at how diversity relates to perspective, courage, and reconciliation. Then we considered how diversity is not tokenism, patronization, or sameness.

Delving into Diversity: The “What”

Delving into Diversity: The “What”

What comes to mind when you hear the word “diversity”? Is it gender equality and women’s rights? Is it immigration and our chaotic Southern border? Is it denominational inclusion and capital “C” Church unity? Is it graciously entertaining differences in opinion or religion? Or, for you, is it racial equality and ethnic diversification?

How To Lose Your Phone In 10 Days

How To Lose Your Phone In 10 Days

I got my first cell phone when I was nearly thirty years old. It was a piece of technology about the size of a candy bar, which I used only to make phone calls. A couple years later I also began  using my phone for sending text messages — a laborious process requiring me to press the number key correlating with my desired letter (for example, to say “hi.” I’d press the number four twice for “h” to appear, then three more times for the letter “i”).