
When We're Still Waiting For It To have Been Worth It

When We're Still Waiting For It To have Been Worth It

I’m new to this whole missionary gig and so far it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. My back hurts from the plywood bed. My stomach grumbles as it adjusts to the new foods, water, and routine. My hair is oily from the less than clean water I “wash” it in every other day. My living room wallpaper is such an onslaught of patterns, my head hurts when I walk in there. I spend too much time on Instagram missing my friends because it’s too rainy this week to go make new friends with my caveman version of the local language. I barely want to pick up my Bible because my mind feels so overwhelmed with learning a new language that it could explode even from reading a familiar language. And I’m lonely.

A Season of Sending

A Season of Sending

Autumn is falling upon Oklahoma, my friends. Our state experiences perhaps a two-week stint of Fall before Winter comes crashing in with it’s cutting wind and biting cold (maybe not that violently, but it comes, nonetheless). But, oh, how that brief season of Fall boasts. From Van Gogh shaming sunrises to Jane Austen-esque mist over our ponds and lakes. Our neighborhood trees are engulfed in a flame of red and orange leaves as our grass browns like a churned lake bed.