god's will

Let This Cup Pass

Let This Cup Pass

How do you pray when you’re afraid that your will is not God’s will?

I find that knowing how to pray is difficult when I want something badly, but am afraid it is not what God wants or is going to make happen. Fortunately, we can look to the most divine example we will ever find: Jesus praying when He knew He was about to be betrayed and sent to a gruesome death He wished to avoid.

Letting Go

Letting Go

I remember going to a local festival when I was in first grade. There was a clown selling balloons and, to my surprise, my parents bought one and promptly tied it to my wrist. I loved that balloon. I don’t know why, but it instantly felt special to me. As I walked around with my balloon proudly stretching out from my tiny wrist—I felt it. The knot that secured my prize to my person slowly unraveled and slipped away. I watched the balloon float up as my heart sank.